feline immunodeficiency virus
If your cat is exposed to cats that may be infected (for example, if your cat goes outdoors unsupervised or lives with other cats that might be infected). Learn more. Cats can carry the virus for a long time before symptoms appear. Unfortunately, many FIV-infected cats are not diagnosed until after they have lived for years with other cats. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are designed to detect short segments of a virus's genetic material. Companion Animal Hospital in Ithaca, NY for cats, dogs, exotics, and wildlife, Equine and Nemo Farm Animal Hospitals in Ithaca, NY for horses and farm animals, Cornell Ruffian Equine Specialists, on Long Island for every horse, Ambulatory and Production Medicine for service on farms within 30 miles of Ithaca, NY, Animal Health Diagnostic Center New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Ithaca, New York 14853-6401. In this case, the infected blood may enter the cat's body through a bite wound, or the cat may become infected by means of a blood transfusion. We’re committed to keeping clients and staff safe during COVID-19 with NEW admittance and check-out processes. Sexual contact is not a major means of spreading FIV. Common clinical signs of FIV infection include: 1.
During your visit, be ready to describe any symptoms that you have detected, no matter how minute they seem. However, few of these kittens actually are or will become infected. This test does not rely upon the detection of antibodies to FIV that are produced by the host cat, but rather tests for the presence of the FIV virus itself (by detecting viral DNA). Although the virus is slow-acting, a cat’s immune system is severely weakened once the disease takes hold. However, a cat that has FIV does present a risk to other cats.
Because biting is the most efficient means of viral transmission, free-roaming, aggressive male cats are the most frequently infected, while cats housed exclusively indoors are much less likely to be infected. Therefore, treatment focuses mainly on extending the asymptomatic period or, if symptoms have set in, on easing the secondary effects of the virus. It was first recognized in the mid 1980's and it has been found in cats worldwide. This allows the cat’s body time to develop antibodies to the virus. Around a quarter to a third of kittens born to an infected queen are likely to be infected themselves. In the United States, approximately 1.5 to 3 percent of healthy cats are infected with FIV. Since it is possible for an infected mother cat to transfer FIV antibodies to her kittens, these kittens may test positive from their motherâs antibodies until they have cleared them from their systems, which happens by six months of age. Human health concerns Diagnosis
To reduce the chance of indoor cats becoming infected, it is ideal to assure that only infection-free cats are brought into a household occupied by uninfected cats. Although HIV (human immunodeficiency virus, the cause of AIDS in people) belongs to the same family of viruses as FIV, the two viruses infect different species - HIV infects only humans and FIV infects only cats. The Cornell Feline Health Center is closely monitoring the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Your veterinarian may suggest testing periodically (yearly) as long as your cat is exposed to potentially infected cats. It is important to realize, however, that while it is impossible to predict the survival of a given cat infected with FIV, cats infected with FIV can live ostensibly normal lives for years if managed appropriately. No test is 100-percent accurate all of the time, and your veterinarian will interpret the test result and determine whether further testing is needed to confirm either a positive or negative test result. If you suspect your cat has FIV, have him examined and tested by your veterinarian right away. Anecdotal reports suggest that evening primrose oil may be helpful, particularly in the earlier stages following infection. FIV infection is routinely diagnosed by blood testing. In this case, the positive cat should have a separate feeding bowl from the other cats and food should not be left out for all cats to share. This makes the cat susceptible to various secondary infections. A detailed physical examination of all body systems will be performed by your veterinarian with special attention to the health of the gums, eyes, skin, and lymph nodes. Secondary bacterial infections associated with feline AIDS can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Bring your cat to your vet at least twice per year for a wellness checkup, blood count and urine analysis. In addition, these vaccines can interfere with testing for the virus. Supporting Cat Health with Information and Health Studies.
Why should I have my cat tested for FIV? FIV will not survive for more than a few hours in most environments.
Keeping an FIV-infected cat indoors is mandatory for the health of the neighborhood cats, as well as reducing the likelihood that your cat will pick up infections from other cats. On very rare occasions, cats in the later stages of FIV infection may test negative on FIV antibody tests because their immune systems are so compromised that they no longer produce detectable levels of antibody. An FIV-infected cat may not show any symptoms for years. Therefore, antibody-negative cats that have had contact with a cat that is either infected with FIV or has an unknown FIV status, such as through the bite of an unknown cat, should be retested a minimum of 60 days after their most recent exposure. Kittens may become infected before, at, or soon after birth. If your cat goes outdoors unsupervised or lives with other cats that might be infected with FIV, your veterinarian may suggest periodically testing her for FIV. Feline Vision Problems: A Host of Possible Causes, Lung Ailments: A Widespread Source of Feline Woe. In these cases, it is believed that the virus was transmitted across the uterus during pregnancy or through the queen's (mother cat's) milk during nursing. FIV-infected cats are found worldwide, but the prevalence of infection varies greatly. If you're considering vaccinating with an FIV vaccine. Kittens under four months of age that test positive should be re-tested when they are six months old, by which time any 'maternal' antibodies will have disappeared. Treatment/Management/Prognosis False positive results may occur if a cat has been vaccinated against FIV, since the antibody test does not differentiate between antibodies produced by the disease and vaccine-induced antibodies. There is no vaccine currently available. The most common type of test looks for the presence of antibodies to the virus in the blood. Any cat with persistent or recurrent illness or clinical signs should be tested for FIV, regardless of lifestyle. There is currently no evidence that FIV can infect or cause disease in humans.
By bringing your cat indoors, youâre also protecting the uninfected cats in your community. Whether or not your cat is vaccinated, it is always important to prevent exposure to FIV. Not all vaccinated cats will be protected by the vaccine, so preventing exposure is important, even for vaccinated cats. Some infected cats experience seizures, behavior changes, and other neurological disorders.
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