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nash wells becomes pariah

However, the device stopped working, causing other infected to attack him. });

Family He reminded Barry that Iris would not approve of him trading another man's life for hers. [16], At some point, Nash learned that he was stuck on Earth-Prime. }); Pariah is seen again as the black rings restore the planet Xanshi. Nash led them to McCulloch Technologies where he told they had a bio-regenerative serum that was capable of healing organic tissue, no matter the harm. She picked up her first comic in high school and fell instantly in love with the medium. KEEP READING: The Flash Maps Out The Arrowverse's Entire Multiverse. He also displays a very adventurous persona. The following day, Nash continued to track the eternium, when he was ambushed by Cisco Ramon and Iris West-Allen. Nash dismissed his detective skills when he called out how he spotted his police vehicle up top, to which Joe was impressed by. 0 0. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), ga('ads.send', { The MCU's Damage Control Deserved a Show - So What Happened to It? Nash then deduced that the fire sapped 87% of the oxygen in the room, which only left them with 42 minutes left to breathe. hitType: 'event', favorite. read more: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3 Ending Explained.

So when the wall of anti-matter crashes down through a universe, it does nothing to him. eventAction: 'load' Cavanagh has been a fan favorite since The Flashfirst aired, though, so it’s likely Wells will find a way to serve the greater good before the crossover is done. A year after it was confirmed at the end of last season's 'Elseworlds,' the Arrowverse's 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' is finally here.

[21], Nash listened as Barry told Team Flash about the disappearance of Iris, Kamilla Hwang, and David Singh as well as Eva McCulloch's return from the mirrorverse. After having access to the lair, Pariah disappeared and teleported Jefferson Pierce to Earth-1 before the destruction of Earth-TUD5. Nash is the second version of Harrison Wells to go by his middle name, the first being Sherloque Wells. Labs where he was examined by Caitlin Snow, who was confused about how he ended up in his current condition. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. If you have an entertainment scoop or a story for us, please reach out to us on (323) 421-7515. Her death traumatized Nash and he could not face it, blaming himself for her death.[6]. . So at the end of mini-season 6.1 of The Flash, Wells releases the Anti-Monitor from his cage, setting the Crisis upon the universe.

Allegra revealed the person to be her cousin Esperanza Garcia, who has the same powers she does, though she kills people with them. },false) Cecile told him not to be discouraged and to keep trying. Team Flash (in secret)Mar Novu (formerly)Mobius (unwittingly; formerly) Later, Nash attended Team Flash's meeting where they ultimately became the protectors of Joseph Carver. if(document.querySelector("#ads")){ Gauntlet: Nash wears a gauntlet on his wrist which he uses for various purposes. He asked the voice to show him, but the voice told him "the knowledge is within you". In the comic event, Pariah inadvertently summoned the Anti-Monitor and thereby launched the events of the comic. – He’s functionally immortal. ", RELATED: The Flash May Have Introduced a Piece of Shazam! window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotOnload', function(event) {

ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); The destruction of Pariah's world gave the Anti-Monitor enough power to begin his quest to annihilate the multiverse.

He couldn't find any so he left empty-handed. She promptly tasered him, and they took him back to The Central City Citizen office. When she passed, but Barry did not, Nash and Cecile locked Barry in the pipeline.

When they returned, the cure was not in the fridge it was supposed to be as Cisco had stolen it and they failed to find it. In "There Will Be Blood," the latest episode, Harrison "Nash" Wells revealed his plan to track down the Monitor. During the comic book version of Crisis on Infinite Earths, he managed to work with the heroes to defeat the Anti-Monitor. One of the keys to The Flash season 6 is that it will be broken up into three mini-seasons, which the showrunner had described as two “graphic novels” on either side of Crisis on Infinite Earths. He was then killed alongside the residents of Earth-1 and any refugees from across the multiverse who'd been evacuated to Earth-1.[14].

And why is Tom Cavanagh playing him? With Allegra and Cecile, Nash went to Caitlin Snow's apartment to help her to prepare for the arrival of her mother, so that Carla could facilitate in Caitlin's rehabilitation. Affiliation window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { Nash refused to bargain with false Gods, which angered the voice, who caused a small quake and demanded he bow down to him. Crisis on Infinite Earths: Who Is Pariah. Nash explains how they can save Barry's life. Ignoring Joe, Nash tried shooting their way out, only for the laser to bounce off the rocks and hit a gas line which briefly started a fire. "It's from Swan Moon, the [Dominator home planet], recovered from some invasion three years ago." He then revealed that the only way to get through was by illuminating the wall using an artifact that could emit ultraviolet rays to reveal the eternium and identify which sections he couldn't strike. Before the Anti-Monitor destroyed the ship through Harbinger, Pariah was able to transport the seven Paragons to the Vanishing Point.

eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), However, in doing so, he may have unleashed someone far deadlier, which could transform him into Pariah in the process. Harrison Nash Wells document.querySelector("#adunit").addEventListener('click',function(){ [15], Pariah later appeared in the sewers of Central City, the place in which he received his new persona and reunited with Team Flash.

He strikes a deal with Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) where he helps them steal a serum from McCulloch Labs Facility that may save Dr. Ramsey Rosso's (Sendhil Ramamurthy) life. }); A one-stop shop for all things video games. After watching Oliver die before the gathered heroes, Novu revealed that Oliver's death was not the ending he foresaw for him. Harrison Nash Wells, formerly known as Pariah, was the last survivor of his world, doomed to see other worlds die at the hands of the Anti-Monitor. He can fly and teleport as well, which means he is no longer stuck on Earth.

Just a few minutes before that, Nash Wells (Tom Cavanagh) says in a dark tunnel, "For so many years, I’ve traveled across worlds — across the multiverse — to do one thing: kill you. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Pariah teleporting the Paragons out of the Waverider.

So rather than witnessing the dawn of time through an antimatter window and creating the Anti-Monitor, Nash Wells, hunting for Mar Novu to try and kill him and prevent the crisis, instead finds and frees the Anti-Monitor, causing the crisis.

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