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philosophize this transcripts

If the miseries of individuals are merely the by product of this general unnecessary order, then we are nothing, more than cards which serve to keep the great machine in motion where no. For example imagine a culture where nobody saw value in reading and interpreting philosophy. For example, what if you start a new company, your operating in an extremely competitive market were dozens of businesses all around. Voltaire was addressed at this point in his life, doesn't think that God created this entire universe, so that we can tell, How great he was, and he could grant wishes force from time to time. its growing its hiring a bunch of new people at seven tons of product and then all of a sudden, the economy tax and to stay in bed. It’s essentially just a bunch of questions designed to determine how fascist or likely to support a fascist you are. The reason God can allow this earthquake to happen is because we aren't following gods, intentions. But here’s thing: human beings are ALSO a part of nature…they’re in no way exempt from this process of using reason to try to understand them better so that we can control them. In other words…there’s no guarantee in this universe that a political or economic system is going to work when it’s tried…even if you see me as a slave, even if I’m just living in some really clever and insidious totalitarian society…you can’t deny the system WORKS, Marcuse. What I'm saying is when it comes to determine, which lends is more useful on a personal level. So why put yourself through all the needless derisive, focusing on all the potentially negative outcomes focus on the positive points, but I think Winston Churchill is getting deeper here. It creates. Thank you for everything! This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. This is an excellent option for both keeping the transcript easy to find and keeping the show notes page clutter free. If you’d like to support the show by purchasing the official Philosophize This! Try to think about the opposite of that, if you follow Ralph, Waldo Emerson advice and you try to write it in your heart, that every day is the best day in the year, then every single day you live on this planet. This is fascinating to me. For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. www.philosophizethis.org for additional content. It changes how you perceive it. He said in his meditations quote: dwell, The beauty of life watch the stars and see, now. These are the people that REALLY have political influence. He was talking about philosophical optimism. Just got into Philosophize This! Rousseau set Voltaire into a frenzy with this rebuttal. No, if this country ever does away with the Capitalist model…Marcuse says it’s going to happen slowly over the course of generations. willing to accept the fact that not many people want to ask questions, and this is isn't that's going to catch on, but I have to be sure. the whole book catalogs a really depressing sequence of events. Let's talk about it there, art. Because you’re not an indiscriminate lover of knowledge whatever it is…you’re a lover of knowledge that is useful to you, and that has a huge effect on the questions you ask and the areas you focus on. The more passed, mystic and miserable you have to be as a result of that knowledge. So there's another! some mystic about whether they were going to keep their job or not at that company? These people would be more accepting of you than if you're a pessimist. Let me sum up Voltaire's main point: and the candied, but as members of a species when we look at all these. Voltaire was in a pretty dark place in the year. And this has been a GOOD THING historically speaking!When Jean Jacques Rousseau makes the claim that the true nature of human beings is to be noble savages that are then corrupted by certain aspects of civilization…that is him using reason to arrive at an understanding about human beings…SO THAT he can then build his political philosophy on top of it and arrive at a system of government that yes, controls human beings in some ways…but benefits everyone overall. It honestly would have turned the stomachs of anybody living back then, Voltaire decides to do in any decent person should do its what me and you would do. Will you dared, respond to this appalling spectacle of smoking ashes with that, the necessary effective. In a post enlightenment world, in a world where there are no moral substrates and people have a tendency to harness control over nature in a way that benefits them…all it takes is one Adolph Hitler…one person that had a bad childhood and never went to therapy that likes the idea of people chanting their name and posters of their face and controlling people. Well in that scenario, their pessimism would have been destructive right. iTunes link. Because the optimism Voltaire is talking about the optimism that he's railing against in this quote is in a very different contexts in what we ve been talking about so far in the episode and by exploring the difference between, tears famous rebuttal to delights. Look we’re not FORCING upon you what you do all day…you have a choice!…you can dig ditches all day, you can crush rocks…you can help build this statue that’s a monument to our supreme leader, you can be in the military. He looks around them in the people that he'd attested the most for gaining power. clicking through our banner it's at the bottom centre of the landing page philosophize this dot org. For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. Very soon after he meets this beggar, he realizes its pangloss. What are you talking about? In your brain to perceive the world differently and what what, Churchill's alluding to hear that being an optimist is more than just a nice sentiment. For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. 00:30:26 - Today we begin our discussion of Jean Baudrillard's book Simulacra and Simulation. Thank you for wanting to know more today than you did yesterday. The first inclination here is to resist right. What happened pangloss? Voltaire limiting human suffering is our responsibility. Be able to look at themselves in the mirror and honestly expect things to work out for the best. Simone De Beauvoir would have a lot to say about not turning other human beings into these objects, of evil and instead thinking of them first as fellow human beings going through the same thing you are.Anyway, continuing from last time. These good things are going to eventually leave them or be destroyed. The debris and ashes of the unfortunate these women, scattered limbs under the broken marble, see them, hundred thousand whom the earth devours torn bloody, and, still breathing they are entombed beneath roofs and die without relief from the, as the dying voices call out. God maintains this world is the best of all possible worlds, and you should press that just add some historical context. So we may all be, from a pessimistic predisposition from birth, interesting to think about, this may be the reason why pessimism is so common today and I look. You can’t just take people…that have been conditioned from birth to look at every aspect of their lives in terms of socially isolated labor and consumption…drop them in a Marxist society and expect them to do well. And that as a species living in this post-enlightenment world…we need to be aware of the increased risk level we’re at for fascist movements emerging and we should probably be taking steps towards identifying the Adolph Hitlers…when they’re in art school…before they become the Adolph hitlers invading Czechoslovakia where we have to fight a bloody war where tens of millions of people die. Any time you have a bi-partisan consensus on anything…as a voter…you essentially don’t have a choice. if only you were wise like I was, you would have known that the world isn't filled with sunshine and rainbows all the time. We criticise the optimist for being these naive, children with delusions of grandeur saying, its through their blind optimism that their setting themselves up for a long lifetime of dealing with the banning of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, but which really, the pessimists into falling into the very same traps at their warning. none. for a loan, so that we can pay for the down payment on a ferrari that we have no idea how we're going to pay for no idea how will pay for the insurance, no idea, how will pay for the maintenance? listener who is bored and frustrated by episodes about philosophers who make unverifiable speculations about metaphysics. It was widespread brutality that was beyond, Certification, let this was long before any sort of earthquake construction code had been enacted in the death and clean up, it was associated with a natural disaster on this scale? Today we begin our discussion on the work of Jürgen Habermas. We first discuss Al Kindi and what he would have to say about modern day news organizations and their approach to reporting the … Episodes Transcripts Contribute Search. I love Oliver guys I'll talk to you, sir. Me why you're gonna run around constantly scared of being attacked by a terrorist. He says, God is like the king of Egypt. In other words, instead of being totally at the mercy of nature like we’ve been in the past…instead of believing that lightning bolt, hit that horse over there, cause Zeus is mad the Bronco’s beat the Cowboys on Sunday…we instead use reason… to try to understand things in nature like weather and clouds and electricity…the hope being…that we can control them to our benefit, as human beings.See this is the point they’d want to underscore…it’s easy to miss that underlying motivation that we have…you can be that person all day: oh, I’m a lover of knowledge, all kinds…I’m a voracious reader…I never even use the word voracious unless it’s about my reading…but what the Frankfurt School would point out is that there’s a reason you’re not reading and memorizing the phone book. For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. Why should we even try to understand what causes climate change if, ultimately, anything that, happens is the best thing that ever happened and its maintained that way by God. Everything that happens happens for the best things like terrorist attacks, economic collapses. This is a transcript of episode #109 on The Frankfurt School. Well, at least the pessimists is more prepared than the optimist right. For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. What fault had the young committed who, like bleeding at their mothers breast, Did fallen, Lisbon indulge in more vices than London or Paris which live in pleasure, man is no more, but they dance in Paris. Still believes that he's living in the best of all possible worlds, the whole story is chaos and the central point, is to make certain observations about the human species and the key one that Voltaire's trying to make here is just how we're, ridiculous. start work. It follows that, Nature is not falling if the order of things requires that, everything should be as it is, then human. For more information about this or any episode of the podcast check out the website at philosophize this dot. Now that I think about it, and it ironically ends with them all living on a farm together. Innovate you drive, yet a business is thinking optimistically about your future. The best of all possible worlds is so. Here. So when these rats get stuck in these puddles underneath is the king of Egypt concerned about that, is the king of Egypt, bothering himself running around trying to save every single rat or maintain, That the rats exist in the best of all possible ship decks. It would be a disaster. It’s not that pools are bad because there’s this new danger we have to consider…it’s not that you can’t have a pool…we just need to make sure we put up a good fence around the pool…we need to make sure we develop some fascism safeguards to make sure things don’t get super out of control like they did in 1930’s Germany.Now let’s move on to some of the actual critique of modern, Western society particularly in the United States. living in the best of all possible worlds? sufferers who cry all is well and contemplate the ruins of this world. But does, apply to every situation that any person or entity might find themselves in the year happens... That progress overall as a force of good in the eyes of God and more! Any by asking ourselves a very good point, but just being pessimist. World ’ s a system designed around linking money to political influence looked is to be fair example... The conflation of political power with money the stars and see, now understood the,! 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