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satele shan lightsaber

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. SWTOR Satele Shan's Lightsaber Jan 29, 2016 - From the game that broke me out of the World of Warcraft, Satele Shan's Double-Bladed Lightsaber from Star Wars: The Old Republic. She is a direct descendant of Bastila Shan, the legendary Jedi who battled Revan centuries ago. Satele Shan was a Force-sensitive Human female who served as the Xilo Jedi Order's Grand Master during the Cold War and the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.The daughter of Jedi Knight Tasiele Shan, who was herself a descendant of the legendary Jedi Knights Revan and Bastila Shan, Satele was born on the planet Brentaal IV in the year … Affiliation Satele's lightsaber is destroyed by Darth Malgus Satele Shan wielded her double-bladed lightsaber during the battle of Alderaan, injuring several Sith warriors along with damaging a Mark I Sith droid before entering a duel with the Sith Lord Darth Malgus. Her most notable choice of weapon was a blue double-bladed lightsaber. Blue report. The first lightsaber she crafted was presumably destroyed in 3681 BBY after she gave it to her master, Kao Cen Darach, who used it and his own while battling the Sith in order to give her time to escape and warn the Republic. Her master fell in a duel against the two Sith. Production information She fought alongside him against the Sith armada which attacked Korriban. Trained by the Order's Battlemaster Kao Cen Darach, Satele is exceptionally skilled with the use of both a normal lightsaber and a double-bladed lightsaber. Lord Vader Cutaway. Qui-Gon Jinn TPM Legend Lightsaber… Your weapon gets destroyed and your opponent immediately goes for the killing blow and you deny him that by showing that while he may be the better Martial Combatant, you know a shit ton more about how to use the force than he does. Satele Shan[1] The Satele Shan's Sparring Lightsaber is a Cartel lightsaber that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Affiliations: The Jedi, The Old Republic This version of Satele Shan is quite different from the final version. Replacing the double-bladed lightsabers that she used primarily through the Great Galactic War with the Empire, the weapon was used by Shan during the Cold War, but she eventually returned to using a double-bladed saber by the time of the Galactic War with the Empire. Production Information Shan duelled against Darth Malgus and his Sith master, Lord Vindican and was able to escape them. Kylo Ren The Last Jedi Lightsaber. The Satele Shan's Dualsaber is moddable, which means it can be upgraded over time from level 1-75. During the duel, it was cut in half by Malgus as he tried to kill Shan. Arn’s Unshielded Lightsaber. Satele Shan's green-bladed lightsaber Fire Emblem Heroes Fire Emblem Warriors Pocket Mortys Star Wars: The Old Republic This double-bladed lightsaber belonged to the Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan during the era of the Old Republic. The Satele Shan's Dualsaber is a Cartel Market item, which means it originally comes from the ingame Cartel Market, and can be obtained four different ways - bought on the GTN, bought or traded from another player, bought directly from the Cartel Market for cartel coins, or found by random chance in a Cartel Pack. The Satele Shan's Dualsaber is a Cartel double bladed lightsaber that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Affiliation – Variant 2 – single hilt install with 24mm Bass Speaker and single 18650 (or 2×16340 for 7.4v) battery. Satele Shan † Creators Satele Shan † Satele Shan was the Grand Master of the Jedi Order during the Cold War. Satele Shan's lightsaber was composed of a silver-colored metal, and the thin cylinder sported a gold-colored pommel and blade emitter shroud. The first lightsaber she crafted was presumably destroyed in 3681 BBY after she gave it to her master, Kao Cen Darach, who used it and his own while battling the Sith in order to give her time to escape and warn the Republic. Purpose Was she wearing cortosis armored glove? Three chassis variants are available for Helv’tica Satele Shan staff – Variant 1 – single hilt install with 28mm Premium Speaker and single 18650 (or 2×16340 for 7.4v) battery. Blade color This item comes with two separable hilts each installed … How did Satele Shan block this lightsaber thrust? 100% Upvoted. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [Source]. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Satele Shan Lightsaber. Satele Shan[1] Viewed 5k times 26. The title of this article is conjectural. She utilized a blue-bladed saberstaff in the years before the Great Galactic War, though it was destroyed when Kao Cen utilized it and his own blade in battle with Vindican and Malgus. Force Master’s Lightsaber. Volatile Derelict Lightsaber. This Grand Master of the Jedi Order has quite a lineage to be proud of, and it served her well during her efforts against the Sith Empire during the Old Republic days.As the descendent of Bastila Shan and Revan (the principal protagonists of the classic video game Knights of the Old Republic), Satele was gifted in the ways of the Force, not to mention an extremely powerful lightsaber … Video showing the sound and animation of Satele Shan's Sparring Lightsaber available from the Cartel Market for 500 CC Helena decided to give Bastila to the Jedi Order, believing that would be a better lifestyle for her. 1. 2 comments. Konshi returned the lightsaber to his Master after the rescue, and she wielded it in battle against the droids known as hexes on Sebaddon's surface, an encounter later designated Independent Operation Sebaddon—an unofficial joint venture between the Empire and the Republic to destroy the hexes and prevent them from reaching the rest of the galaxy. Shaniverse Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. [1] The weapon was used by Shan to battle Darth Baras again on Dantooine a short while later, though the fighting ended with the death of her former Master Dar'Nala and a withdrawal by all parties involved. Usage and history Her third and final lightsaber endured with her for the remainder of her life, and was left on the planet Ahch-To after her death. Several millennia later, Satele's lightsaber would be found within the first Jedi Temple by her descendant, Jarik Shan, who swiftly recognized the blade. Satele Shan, Padawan character data created by TheSagaContinues user fairytalejedi. Satele Shan's saber. Sort by. Star Wars and related... SWTOR Satele Shan's Lightsaber Lightsaber Satele Shan has wielded many lightsabers during her time as a Jedi. Owners This saber features realistic smooth-swing motion tracking audio and blade effects. The weapon contained a green lightsaber crystal that generated a yellow-green blade. Owners Satele Shan blocking Darth Malgus’s Saber with the Force. Throughout her life as a Jedi, Satele Shan came to construct and own three lightsabers, all sporting the very same design. Her second lightsaber was destroyed in the year 3667 BBY during her duel with Darth Malgus on Alderaan, having been cut in half by the Sith Lord. Which is still in my opinion one of the top 5 most bad ass uses of the Force. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Threat of Peace, The Old Republic, Threat of Peace Act 1: Treaty of Coruscant, The Old Republic, Threat of Peace Act 2: New Galactic Order, The Old Republic, Threat of Peace Act 3: Uncertain Surrender, Alexander Freed's post on SWTOR.com, confirming Satele's appearance in, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Satele_Shan%27s_green-bladed_lightsaber?oldid=10149530. Culture The Journal of Gnost-Dural directly contradicted the existence of the green lightsaber. Crystal Although this article is based on official information from the. c. 3653 BBY[1] Date created Throughout her life as a Jedi, Satele Shan came to construct and own three lightsabers, all sporting the very same design. She wields a single-bladed green Lightsaber, and really doesn't do that much except get bad feelings about negotiating with The Sith (Duh). She does Force Slam a couple of dudes, and … Trying to help a friend find a better place to buy it. Satele Shan is a minifigure based on the Jedi of the same name in the Star Wars universe, who appears in the set 9497 Republic Striker Starfighter. Cartel Market / GTN. Satele returned to the Jedi … Legacy of Jarik Shan - Volume 2: The Clone Wars, Legacy of Jarik Shan - Volume 3: Revenge of the Sith, Legacy of Jarik Shan - Volume 4: A Jedi in Exile, https://shaniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Satele_Shan%27s_lightsaber?oldid=16735. Jedi OrderGalactic RepublicShan family, "Three thousand year old lightsaber sitting in a stone temple, and it still works?". Satele Shan's green lightsaber first appeared in the webcomic series Star Wars: The Old Republic, Threat of Peace, [1], A Jedi Knight, Shan exchanged her normal blue double-bladed lightsaber for a single-bladed weapon sometime after the Battle of Rhen Var near the end of the Great Galactic War with the Empire,[2] and Shan took her green-bladed saber with her to the planet Alderaan when she was sent there as part of a delegation to a peace conference in 3653 BBY. However, when it was revealed that the conference was a sham and that the Sith were holding the Republic's capital of Coruscant hostage in order to force the Republic to accept their terms, Shan drew her weapon and attacked the Sith negotiator Darth Baras. Double-bladed lightsaber of Satele Shan (The Old Republic), Jedi grandmaster and heir of Bastila Shan. Darth Sidious' Sabers. She later utilized it in combat against Imperial attackers when the vessel she was aboard, the Envoy, was boarded in seeming violation of the Treaty of Coruscant and the end of the war. Mace Windu Legend Lightsaber 24K gold. Satele Shan was a Human female who served as a Jedi during theGreat Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Animation: Sputtering and lightning across … Ask Question Asked 5 years, 6 months ago. Lightsaber combat A saber staff's longer hilt provided more leverage and power attacks, with the second blade providing more … MASTER YODA legendary fx Lightsaber. Lightsaber Satele Shan's green lightsaber first appeared in the webcomic series Star Wars: The Old Republic, Threat of Peace, which served as a lead-up to the release of the BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Unlike her … Starkiller TFU2 stainless steel Lightsaber. Physical and technical specifications [1] However, as many of the characters' appearances had not yet been finalized in-game, Shan's appearance and choice of lightsaber was among the many discrepancies in the comic. He tested the saber by activating its blade, however, age had taken its toll on the weapon, as the blade only managed to flicker on for a few seconds before shutting back off. Item View for Satele Shan Guides, databases, datamining, discipline calulators, tools, news, theorycrafting, and more! In the SWTOR game, there is a scene where Satele Shan blocks (absorbs/ dissipates?) Jedi Order[1] save. Lightsaber combat[1] For sale. She was also able to dismantle the door to Darth Mekhis' fortress using the Force and was skilled enough with tutaminis abilities to block a a complete set of armor, consisting in a suit with metal plates attached on his torso, arms, and legs underneath his standard Model In combat, Shan was an agile fighter who utilized acrobatics to both evade her opponents and quickly strike them down. Trained by the Order's Battlemaster, Kao Cen Darach, Shan was exceptionally skilled with the use of both a normal lightsaber and a double-bladed lightsaber. Shan participated in several major battles on behalf of the Republic during the war, and studied under a number of Jedi Masters, including the Togruta Dar'Nala. Model for sale. Blade color [6] The novel The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance, which was also released well before the game, stated that Shan continued to use the lightsaber ten years after the events of the comic,[4] though all subsequent material starting with the Hope cinematic trailer portrayed Shan as wielding several different blue double-bladed lightsabers throughout her life. Purpose Physical and Technical Specifications Date created Green[1] Single-blade[1] [4] However, Shan soon set aside the single-bladed weapon and took up a double-bladed lightsaber again, and she used that weapon throughout the rest of the Cold War and the subsequent Galactic War with the Empire.[5]. 3667 BBY The Jedi Knight Satele Shan utilized a green-bladed lightsaber during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. best. Double-bladed lightsaber 1 Description 2 Background 3 Notes 4 Appearances 5 External Links This minifigure has a sand green leg piece, with a gold, dark grey and black design, representing the bottom part of the dress Satele commonly wore … Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Jedi share. hide. [7][8] The exception to this would be the novel The Old Republic: Deceived, which begins at the same time as Threat of Peace,[9], However, the reference guide The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural depicts Shan as wielding a blue double-bladed lightsaber during the skirmish on Dantooine, directly contradicting the already contentious green lightsaber. [3], By 3643 BBY, Shan was still using the weapon while serving as Grand Master of the Order, and her Padawan Shigar Konshi wielded it briefly alongside his own lightsaber to free Shan from the wreckage of the destroyed vessel Corellia above the planet Sebaddon. Satele Shan was the padawan of master Kao Cen Darach. [10] The first issue of the The Lost Suns comic arc further added to the discrepancy, as Shan seen with a double-bladed saber at Rhen Var shortly before the events of Threat of Peace,[2] and she is also seen in-game with a double-bladed saber not long after the events of Fatal Alliance.[5]. The Satele Shan's Sparring Lightsaber is moddable, which means it can be upgraded over time from level 1-75. Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture. Usage and History Lightsaber[1] Creators This is what the Satele Shan's Dualsaber sounds like: Satele Shan's Dualsaber Video and Sound. Homebrew Reference Book: The Old Republic Sourcebook (Converted by Wikia user Lukewarner) Affiliations: The Jedi, The Old Republic Renowned for her wisdom and powerful connection to The Force, Master Satele Shan is the voice and conscience of The Jedi Order. Darth Sidious's sabers stand out both for their ornamental design and … Kyber crystal exceptionally skilled with the use of both a normal lightsaber and a double-bladed lightsaber. As a Jedi Knight, Bastila Shan would play a major role in several events, her proficiency in battle meditation proving to be invaluable to the Type the beam from Darth Malgus' lightsaber. This is what the Satele Shan's Sparring Lightsaber sounds like: Satele Shan's Sparring Lightsaber Video and Sound. Satele Shan's lightsaber Anyone know of a place to buy Satele Shan's lightsaber from the old republic that isnt ultrasabers? Type In the days of the Old Republic, a human woman named Helena and her husband had one child together on the planet Talravin, a daughter named Bastila. Tythonian Force-Master’s Lightsaber. Active 5 years, 6 months ago. Give Bastila to the Jedi Grand master Satele Shan 's Sparring lightsaber sounds like Satele... 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