dee dee batman beyond
After a brief scuffle the Jokers attempted to make their getaway with the stolen goods. They seemed to be normal petite women with a sort of gymnasts’ build. Under the joint alias Dee Dee, they joined the Jokerz and followed in their grandmother's footsteps as "hench-wenches" of the original Joker. Equipment: After that the Joker sent them to help help silence Price, who had been the Jokerz silent accomplice in the previous heist. The Dee Dee Twins have the ability to double whenever they come in physical contact with anything. Dee Dee 1: “He’s really got a delicate touch, Dee Dee.”
Movies Games Audio Art Portal Community Your Feed. I focus primarily on hypnosis-based TG, and a hefty portion of my caps are erotica, though the photos are 99% SFW. shame you don’t share them publicly; I’m sure they’d be awesome! I saw "Batman Beyond TG" in the title, and I knew it had to be Rymaestro. They frequently employ team attacks, blind sides, etc.. They tend to treat the two of them as a collective single entity. They were using a futuristic electric bullwhip. Lightning Reflexes, Rich Friend (Chronos). Appearing as their "normal selves" all dressed in black dress and with their long blonde hair out, they later attacked Terry in a nightclub, and he barely managed to avoid them. Although they are two individuals, as twin sisters, they appear to act as though they are one person in two bodies, often speaking as one or completing each other's sentences, along with the fact they are co-referred to as Dee Dee.
They are way more effective in hand-to-hand combat. This site uses a handful of cookies.
In the gang's first confrontation with Batman, the young Dark Knight made the mistake of taking them for inconceivable and useless girl "helpers".
Basically flying futuristic motorcycles. Most of the rest of the gang were distracting both the Batmen of new and old. Dee Dee from Batman Beyond Return Of The Joker . By continuing to use our website, you agree to our use of cookies – explained on our cookies info page. It is thoroughly impossible to tell, at any given time, which is which. But when it came down to the final showdown with Batman the Dee Dee twins were the last to confront him and were the only members who were KOed inside the first few rounds.
The twins joined his namesake gang while still in their early teens. They are also the only characters in the entire series with any sort of legitimate claim to the heritage of the Joker (even though they are likely unaware of it.) Dee Dee Share. X. I could send you a zip of them, if you want to check them out. Batman Beyond was a 1999-2001 animated series set in the future of the DC animated universe. Then, the original Joker came back to haunt Gotham City decades after his alleged death. x. Oh please, don't change on my account.
Sharpness only works to penetrate Force Field/Force Shield and the like. Acrobatics (Athletics, Dodging)*: 07 Artist (actress): 05, Martial Artist: 04, Vehicles (air): 04, Weaponry (exotic, melee, firearms): 04. Oh I’ve seen your collection, dude, and I’m certainly a fan of your work! Batman in full Batsuit with the Dee-Dee’s designs over a sexy Femme Batman. Btw, how insanely talented is. The greasepainted Jokerz twins collectively known as Dee Dee were a lithe and acrobatic pair; lifting their legs high enough to swing them into Terry's masked face was an easy task for either of them to accomplish. Even their teammates don’t seem to differentiate at all. 6060 in-depth character profiles from comics, games, movies. Helper(s): Sébastien Andrivet, Gareth Lewis, Adam Fuqua.
Why not just use the Joker’s as a set to keep with his whole clown motif? Moreover, they are followers, not leaders, shown when they cowed in the presence of the Joker, as well as Chronos. Having given up her allegiance to the Joker, she did her best to ensure that they grew up like normal kids. You can learn more with the FAQ. Hover Cycles [STR 04 BODY 04, Flight: 07, R#03]. Though Bruce Wayne is now a man of a certain age, he lets a new Batman arise in future Gotham. Split creates one duplicate per 1 RAPs of damage (-0 FC).
Though the Joker's Moll had moved on from the Joker, she was angry at her granddaughters for joining the Jokerz.
The twins fare a lot better when confronting Batman than all the other Jokerz by far. Cattle prod [BODY 03, Lightning (touch): 04, R#03].
Login / Sign Up. Stretching does not allow for fine manipulation (-2). Heck, if you saw the collection of TG captions that I've written, you'd know that I'm certainly not one to shy away from writing similar things over and over. One of the clashes between Batman (McGinnis) and the Jokerz. But this merely meant misfit teenagers with a psychotic clown theme, who terrorized normal citizens with mostly petty street crimes. The Joker, like most criminal masterminds, has been known to employ henchmen to assist him with his exploits. The gang they were part of - led by Chucko - eventually went to work for a copy of the actual Joker that was implanted into Tim Drake's body. Skills: Skills: That lasted until the new Batman got wise to what was going on and began interfering with their plans. Another Green Lantern." Bat-Dee was inspired in a collaboration with Rymaestro. He then sent them to steal the technology he needed to put it in his terms “once again give this town a wedgy.”. Our goal is for Newgrounds to be ad free for everyone!
If you ever started a Patreon, I’d give you any amount you asked❤️. new ideas needed HERE, please! Please do not adblock us, our ads load is minimal. X. Unluckily for him, both of them had done just that. Harley raised the Dee Twins herself and it's unknown what happened to their parents. The Female Villains Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In the Jokerz' last confrontation at the Jolly Jack Candy Factory, Batman fought smart: first he goaded them using his invisibility powers, lured them into walking over a floor slippery with jawbreakers, before tricking them into charging into each other, knocking themselves out.
The Dee Dee’s have captured Batman Beyond and are Force femming him into one of them. On his orders, the Jokerz stole advanced technology from a series of warehouses., Batman(Terry) vs The Jokerz ( They are way more effective in hand-to-hand combat.
This could make for all sorts of interesting subplots. They commonly have conversations with one another and always address the other twin as Dee Dee. 00:00 00:00 Newgrounds. I don't share them publicly, heh. Delia and Deidre Dennis, better known as Dee Dee, are thrill-seeking delinquents who inherited their grandmother's fascination with the Joker, and joined his namesake gang for kicks, and possibly personal gain through street crime. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. They have inherited much of her acrobatic martial arts abilities. Attractive, Dream Team (each other, no known rupture condition), Lightning Reflexes. The Dee Dee Twins are definitely the most competent and most interesting, original characters of all the Jokerz. Furthermore it is likely that they are in fact direct descendants from the original Joker and most certainly Harley Quinn. The Dee Dee’s have captured Batman Beyond and are Force femming him into one of them. Delia and Deidre Dennis, better known as Dee Dee, are thrill-seeking delinquents who inherited their grandmother's fascination with the Joker, and joined his namesake gang for kicks, and possibly personal gain through street crime. In an alternate future the Dee Dee twins were shown to be among Chronos’s thugs. Batman in full Batsuit with the Dee-Dee’s designs over a sexy Femme Batman.
Oh sorry dude, I must’ve mistaken someone else’s work for yours! Harley apparently raised the twins herself (it is unknown what happened with their grandfather or their parents), having given up her allegiance to the Joker and doing her best to make them grow up normal kids. One of his recurrent opponents is a street crew called the Jokerz.
The Dee Dee twins are direct descendants from Harley Quinn (and quite possibly the Joker as well). Dee Dee 2: “And everyone’s happy.”.
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